What does the death of third party cookies mean for your marketing strategy?

Marketeers are facing the reality of not being able to track users with third party data.

In this webinar you will learn, what does this new reality mean in practice, and what should we do to continue to get attention out in the big digital ecosystem.

The performer is Henric Smolak, Commercial Director Azerion (Sweden).

In Europe, Henric Smolak is known as an evangelist in Content Marketing and Native Advertising. He believes Internet today has become a giant Times Square where everyone tries to steal your attention. Henric also hosts Sweden’s biggest tech podcast with 40 000 monthly listeners, is a cource leader in Digital Media and Content Marketing and is a frequently hired Keynote speaker internationally.

Feedback from the webinar
”Erittäin hyvä ja selkeä. Antoi täysin uuden idean, mitä lähdetään toteuttamaan saman tien ”


Susanna Bäckström, Markkinointiliitto


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